Is my bike worth fixing?
Is that bike you found or purchased cheaply worth fixing?
In most cases no!
We get all types of bikes in store from secondhand purchases to bikes that were found on the side of the road.
What are the issues with having older bikes fixed?
1. Obsolete parts: depending on how old the bike is you may not be able to get parts for it. Which means a full upgrade and that can be costly.
2. Some bikes are not designed to be fixed. You will find that they have been made cheaply and parts are not replaceable.
3. It can cost more to fix the bike than to buy a new one. To make your bike safe to ride you need to have working gears, brakes, spokes and tyres. That can quickly add up to as much as you paid for the bike or more and there is no guarantee that it will continue to be used without further work needing to be done.
Why buy a new bike?
A new bike has a warranty and all the bits work as they should which makes riding safer and enjoyable.
Everyone likes a new bike! Want worry free riding? Save money in the long run and buy a bike that suits your needs.
Unless the bike has sentimental value or is custom made then you will most likely find it more cost effective to buy a new bike.
In the long run you will save money, look good and be safe while you ride.